Pre- and Post-Natal Training Options and Packages
Many pregnant women want to continue to exercise throughout their pregnancy to maintain their fitness levels, prepare for birth and allow themselves a quick recovery. But as your body will be changing rapidly during this period, so will your usual approach to exercise need to adapt to support your changing body and developing baby.
It takes nine months for a woman to develop and nurture a new life and her body will undergo many complex and amazing changes. It also takes time for our bodies to return to their pre-pregnancy shape and I am keen that this is done in a way that is realistic, responsible and safe.
I have a specialist qualification in designing pre- and post-natal exercise programmes as well as being a certified coach for Holistic Core Restore® which focuses on women’s pelvic floor and core strength. I also have personal experience of exercising during this period so I can help you choose appropriate exercises to do safely and at the right intensity, keeping you feeling as well and as energised as possible during your pregnancy.
Participating in unsuitable activities too soon after birth can increase the risk of long-term physical problems. I will ensure that you are doing the right exercises as part of your post-natal recovery in a supportive environment. I know only too well how tough it is to fit in time to think about yourself and your needs when you have small children to look after. As a mobile trainer, I can work flexibly around your needs and routine – sneaking in a session during naptime if necessary!
I engaged in regular exercise up to the births of my children so I know first-hand both the challenges and the benefits it can bring.
Packages and prices for Pre- and Post-Natal Personal Training are as follows:
per session (1 hour)
for 6 sessions
for 12 sessions